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Activity Report 2017-2018

 2017 has been a momentous year for the Loomba Foundation as we celebrated our 20th Anniversary 1997-2017. We completed the empowerment project for 5000 widows in Varanasi, which was launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on the 22nd Jan 2016 in Varanasi.
During the year we continued empowering widows, educating children of poor widows and fundraising events both in the UK and India.

We have trained all 5000 widows and distributed 1244 sewing machines on 15 February 2018.

Lions Club
The Loomba Foundation has completed the empowerment of 500 widows in Mathura. We expect to complete the programme of a further 2000 widows this year.

Rotary India Literacy Mission (RILM)
The Loomba Foundation launched a partnership project with RILM to provide skills training to 30,000 impoverished widows, 1000 in each of the 30 states in India and educate 2000 children of poor widows.  

            The Loomba Foundation continued the advocacy initiatives in India during the year. We have written to the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi and the Supreme Court of India recommending them three proposals.

Firstly, the government of India should set up a National Commission for Widows.
Secondly, they should set up widows’ help centres in every panchayat in India.
Thirdly, Indian widows should be included in the minority group, same as Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes who should get the same benefits, including reservations in government jobs.

After a long and tireless campaign by Lord Loomba, the government of Haryana has promised to open a special cell to help widows in the state of Haryana, on 27th November 2017.


Date: 15 February 2018
Place: Varanasi, India
Event: Completion of Project to empower 5000 widows

he Loomba Foundation, a United Nations accredited global charity distributed 1244 sewing machines to widows in Varanasi on 15 February 2018. This last phase completed the empowerment project for 5000 widows, after receiving training in tailoring for a period of two months. The Hon’ble PM of India Shri Narendra Modi had launched the project for the Loomba Foundation in 2016.

The event took place at the famous Banaras Hindu University (BHU) and attended by Hon’ble Shri Ram Charitra Nishad, Member of Parliament as the Chief Guest and other dignitaries including Mrs Mridula Jaiswal, the Mayor of Varanasi, Mr Hansraj Vishwakarma, BJP District President of Varanasi and Mr J K Sinha, Founder and Chairman of Shoshit Seva Sangh in Patna. The 1244 beneficiaries who received the sewing machines were present at the event.

L to R: Lord Raj Loomba CBE, Hon’ble Reeta Sarkar and Veena Lady Loomba, Trustees of Loomba Foundation, Varanasi’s Mayor Mrs Mridula Jaiswal, Member of Parliament Mr Ram Charitra Nishad, Mr Hansraj Viswakarma BJP District President of Varanasi and JK SInha Chairman of Shoshit Seva Sangh

The Varanasi scheme has been the largest project undertaken by the Loomba Foundation, successfully training 5000 widows, who have received a foot-operated ‘Singer’ sewing machine free of charge, from the charity. The Foundation is confident that it will provide an opportunity to these 5000 unfortunate widows to earn money, educate their children and lead a life of dignity.

1244 beneficiaries at the Benaras Hindu University to collect their foot-operated sewing machines after the completion of their training

Date: 9, 10 February 2018
Place: India, New Delhi
Event: One Globe Conference 2018

The seventh edition of the One Globe Forum took place on February 9 and 10, 2018 which saw immense participation and contribution from Lord Loomba, Founder and Chairman Trustee, The Loomba Foundation. On February 09, 2018, Lord Loomba, being on the Advisory Board of the One Globe Forum, was a part of the Inaugural Session with Ministers and other dignitaries. As part of the Inaugural Session, Lord Loomba was involved in the lighting of the lamp and gave a ‘Vote of Thanks’ speech at the Inauguration. 
Lord Loomba participated in the panel discussion “Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite” Redux: Inclusive Growth.
On February 10, 2018, Lord Loomba participated in the panel discussion “Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite” Redux: Inclusive Growth. The panel discussion focused on inclusive growth. His co-panelists included Rachit Ranjan, Head of Policy, North India & Federal Affairs, Uber; Shri. Raghav Chandra, Secretary, National Commission for Scheduled Tribes, Government of India and Dr. Shailaja Fennell, Director of Research at Cambridge Central Asia Forum; Lecturer in Development Studies; Fellow of Jesus College at University of Cambridge.

Date: 9 January 2018
Place: India, New Delhi Event: PIO Parliamentarian Conference 2018

Lord Loomba CBE and distinguished UK Parliamentarians participated in the first PIO Parliamentarian Conference in India on January 9, 2018.

Lord Loomba was invited by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India  Shri Narendra Modi and the Minister for External Affairs Shrimati Sushma Swaraj, as one of the distinguished Parliamentarians from the UK to participate in the first Persons of Indian Origin PIO-Parliamentary Conference held on the 9 January 2018.

The distinguished Lords and MPs participating from the UK, included Lords Navnit Dholakia, Raj Loomba, Karan Bilimoria, Amir Bhatia, Diljit Singh Rana, Dolar Popat, Mohamed Sheikh, Kamlesh Patel, Rambir Singh Suri, Shri Bhagwanji Chohan and Baronesses Usha Prashar and Sandip Verma. The Hon’ble MPs from the House of Commons were Priti Patel, Seema Malhotra, Virendra Sharma and Keith Vaz.

The prestigious event celebrated the annual Pravasi Bhartiya Divas – ‘day of the diaspora’ – which historically honours the contribution made by men and women of Indian heritage towards their homeland. The event is marked on 9th January every year – the date of the return of Mahatma Gandhi from South Africa in 1915 to lead the Indian freedom movement.

Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi, External Affairs Minister Shrimati Sushma Swaraj along with PIO Parliamentarians from across the world, with Lord Raj Loomba CBE

Since its inception in 2003, this has become one of the most eagerly anticipated annual events for distinguished Indian origin people living abroad, but this is the first time a Parliamentary conference has been held to formally celebrate and focus on the achievements of PIO Parliamentarians far and wide. 

The conference was officially opened by Minister of External Affairs, Sushma Swaraj MP, while Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered the keynote speech. Other speakers included Shashi Tharoor MP and Priti Patel MP, who spoke on behalf of the UK delegation. The conference also signifies Prime Minister Modi’s new diplomatic strategy, which places fresh importance on the positive role of the diaspora in India. This is a significant step, as NRIs are in fact the “natural resource of India” whose collective potential should be channelled for the good of all Indians. 

There are over 31 million people of Indian origin living outside of India, across 102 countries. Their presence is robust and far-reaching, as is their impressive record in contributing to many aspects of political, intellectual and cultural life in the countries they call home. Recognising these achievements, Mr Modi aims through a variety of initiatives to strengthen ties with the diaspora, deepen mutual understanding and build a strong future for the community as a whole.

In his welcome message, Prime Minister Modi said: “India is among the select few countries in the world that has an extensive series of programmes aimed at the diaspora.  I am confident this historic event will provide a unique platform for mutual collaboration between India, PIO Parliamentarians and help strengthen the engagement of India and her diaspora.”

Lord Loomba told the Indian press: “What we heard from the Prime Minister today is absolutely right. Within the last three years, India has transformed. India has also brought in a lot of respect to the Diasporas overseas. I also applaud the Prime Minister and the ministry of external affairs for taking on this grand initiative to bring together 140 distinguished Parliamentarians from 25 countries for a Conference. All of us are taking back the positive messages from the government, and this would not have been possible without this Conference.

Lord Loomba CBE met up with the Hon’ble Minister of External Affairs Shrimati Sushma Swaraj after the Conference sessions in NRI Kendra, New Delhi

Priti Patel MP, who spoke on behalf of the UK delegation, said: “The achievements of the Indian diaspora all over the world have been transformational.  It is a matter of great pride that the UK is home to such a talented and ambitious diaspora of 1.5 million people. As PIO parliamentarians, we want to bring our experience to set a new agenda, strengthen our bonds to create a bright and prosperous future.”

08th December 2017
House of Lords, London Celebrating Indo-UK Year of Culture with Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

The Loomba Foundation, in association with the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, the leading Indian arts and cultural institute in the UK, celebrated the Indo-UK Year of Culture at the Cholmondaley Room and Terrace at the House of Lords on Friday 8th December. 

His Excellency Mr Y K Sinha, Indian High Commissioner felicitated Mr Joginder Sangar with a memento, to recognise his efforts to promote Indian culture in the UK, since 1972. 

His Excellency Mr Y K Sinha, the High Commissioner (left) felicitating Mr Joginder Sangar with a memento in the Indo-UK Year of Culture organised by Lord Loomba (right)

Many eminent people from the British and Indian communities, including Mr G P Hinduja, Loomba Foundation Trustees Shiraz and Shamin Lalji, and Dr Barry Humpreys, Patrons Graham Tobell, Susan Tobell and Rami Ranger were present at the dinner. 

The evening saw a cultural programme organised by Nand Kumar, Executive Director of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. There was a traditional Bharatanatyam dance ‘Tillana’ – a technical item of rhythmic movements, and a fusion contemporary recital ‘Sangam’ composed by Maestro Mandolin

Media Coverage:
https://www.asian-voice.com/What%27s-On/Community-Events/The-Loomba-Foundation-with-the-Bharatiya-Vidya-Bhavan-celebrated-the-Indo-UK-Year Srinivas.

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